
Convertful is Awarded by FinancesOnline

We’re glad to announce that FinancesOnline, a popular review platform for B2B and SaaS solutions, recently published a detailed review about Convertful. And complementary to the positive review, we also won awards in two categories:


One of Convertful’s most important goals is to provide the best possible user experience for our clients. As you know, we’re always open to suggestions and requests and appreciate any feedback helping us to make Convertful better. This is why having a recognition with the Great User Experience Award is so important to us.

FinancesOnline’s experts give the Rising Star Award for best conversion rate optimization software to new SaaS products that recently got increasingly popular on the market and are really efficient for solving existing problems and pain-points users face on the market. This honors our efforts in creating precise and flexible form builder and behavior controls to help you create relevant, stylish and precisely targeted offers without annoying your audience.

Feel free to visit FinancesOnline and share your own review and experience with Convertful. We’ll be glad to hear from you!

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