
All the Modern On-Site Widget Types and Solutions… Now with AI!

Pop Up


Scroll Box

Scroll Boxes

Floating Bar

Floating Bar

Welcome Screen

Fullscreen Welcome Mats

Inline Widget

Embedded Inline Widgets

Floating Buttons

Floating Buttons

100+ Starting Templates Based on Successful Campaigns


Make Your Offer Look and Feel the Right Way. No Coding Needed.

Drag And Drop Editor

Flexible Drag-n-Drop Editor

Unlimited Form Fields
Any data you needed and automatically collect data
Signup page URL, Landing page URL, Referral URL, UTM Source, UTM Medium, UTM Campaign, UTM Term, UTM Content, Timezone
Customizable Style
Fonts, colors, background images and much more
Customizable Layout
Any number of elements and columns
Customizable Positioning
The part of the screen where the form should appear
Adjustable Animations
Boost conversion by adding the eye-catching form animation effects
Custom CSS and JS
Adding classes and styling it with custom CSS, adding Retargeting Pixels JavaScript and others

Many Elements Types

Dynamic Text Replacement
Form Fields
Automatically collected data
Signup page URL, Landing page URL, Referral URL, UTM Source, UTM Medium, UTM Campaign, UTM Term, UTM Content, Timezone
Progress Bars
Spin-to-Win Gamification
Scratch Card Gamification
Follow Buttons
Share Buttons
Social Optins
Countdown Timer
Empty Space

AI-Powered Features

AI Text Content Suggestions
AI A/B Split Testing
AI Image Generation


Automatic Mobile Design
Mobile Preview and Fine-Tune
Google Mobile-Friendly
Mobile Targeting
Mobile Friendly Features
Screen Sequences

Unlimited Screens and Sequences

Multi-Step Widgets
Apart from Surveys and Quizzes, create any sequences you can imagine! Offer 3-4 up-sells in a row? Easily!
Survey Widgets
Learn more about your visitors by showing on-site surveys. Make personalized on-site/email offers based on the answers.
Simple Quizzes
Create a sequence of screens, that asks questions and provides different results based on the answers. Offer a personalized, most relevant solution or Case Study for your visitors to skyrocket the sales.
Yes/No Screens
Break the standard 'show a form' pattern and increase conversion rates by prepending the form with an introductory yes/no question.
Custom Success Messages
Personal appeal, coupon code, share buttons

Precise Targeting

Display the Offer to the Right People at the Right Time

Exit Intent
Make the widget appear when the visitor is about to leave the page (when moving the mouse cursor towards the browser’s URL string, close button or forward/backward controls
Time on Page
Make the widget appear after a visitor will spend the specified amount of time on the page
Element Click
Make the widget appear when a visitor clicks on a specific element on your site, specified by the element’s class, ID, or a hyperlink
Page Scroll
Make the widget appear when a visitor scrolls the page down to a certain position, specified in pixels or percentages of total page scroll height
Inactivity Time
Make the widget appear based on visitor’s inactivity time on the page. Inactivity timer starts when the visitor stops scrolling and interacting with the page.
Embeded widgets
Embeded by Shotrcode/CSS/HTML
Features And Triggers

Targeting Rules

Time on Site
Visitor spent the specified amount of time browsing the site
Current page URL
Targeting by specific URL or its fragments
Page URL Get Parameters
Page got certain URL get parameters (utm_source, utm_medium, etc.) and values
Visit Start URL
Browsing session started from the specified page URL
Visit source
Visit Source
Referral links from specific search engines, social networks, channels
Visit Source URL
Referral links from the specified external URL
Current Date
The exact date or range of dates matching the specified
Date of the Last Visit
Last site visit took place at the specified date(s)
Time From the Last visit
Specified amount of time from the last site visit
Time From the First visit
Visitor spent the specified amount of time browsing the site
Number of viewed pages
Visitor browsed the specified number of site pages
Visit Number
Targeting to first-time and returning visitors
Screen Width
The exact screen width value or range of values (in pixels)
One or several type of platforms specified: desktop, tablet, mobile
Specified cookies with the specified values
Person Parameters
Specified person parameters (from local storage) with the specified values
Other Widgets
Interacting with other widget
Other specific widget was/wasn’t shown/closed/submited
No other widget was shown
If no other widgets were shown on the page or during the session
WordPress User
Visitor's Tag
Post Category
Post Type
Account-Based Targeting
Target by Platform.ly Tags, Segments and Custom Fields Value
Target by ActiveCampaign Tags, Lists, Deals, Custom Fields Value
Target by AWeber Tags, Lists, Custom Fields Value
Target by ConvertKit Tags, Custom Fields Value
Target by Drip Tags, Custom Fields Value
Target by GetResponse Tags, Campaigns, Custom Fields Value
Target by Gist Tags, Segments, Custom Fields Value
Target by HubSpot Lists, Workflows, Lifecycle Stages, Lead Statuses, Custom Fields Value
Target by MailChimp Tags, Groups, Lists, Custom Fields Value
Target by Klaviyo Lists, Custom Fields Value
Features And Conditions

Set the conditions as you need

When adding multiple Show Only If conditions, you can use ‘and’ to check conditions together and ‘or’ to set up multiple groups of conditions, that work independently.

Define what happens when a user click the buttons

Send data to integration
Send additional data
(tags, start URL, etc)
POST data
Sent notification to email
Redirect visitor to URL
Open another widget
Open a specific widget screen
Execute JavaScript


Provide Most Relevant and Polite Offers

Don’t Show Again Rules
Define the specific amount of time during which your visitor won’t see the widget, depending on the interaction type: if the widget was viewed, closed, or submitted.

Multi-Level Campaigns
Some of the targeting and display rules may overlap. At the same time, some offers/campaigns are more important than others, and when you run multiple promotions, you want to control exactly what people see.
So now you can define the widgets priority.

One Widget at a Time
All widgets are designed to not overlap each other. The second widget will not pop up until the visitor finishes interacting with the previous one.

Conversion Boosters

Spin-to-Win Gamification
Boost your conversion, offering to win a prize in exchange for the email address.

With Convertful you get the most customizable (and fully localizable) Spin-to-Win on the market.
Scratch Card Gamification
Show stylish scratch-to-win cards, so visitors could win discount coupons in exchange for their email addresses.
Floating Action Button
A floating call-to-action, that you can permanently place to the site corner, and that will open a widget when clicked.
Yes/No Screens
Break the standard ``show a form`` pattern and increase conversion rates by prepending the form with an introductory yes/no question.
Social Subscriptions
Replace or supplement a traditional form with the ``Subscribe via Facebook`` button. Once a visitor clicks such a button, we get his/her name and email and send this data straight to your email list. This approach eliminates excess friction and typos.

Also supports 1-click subscription from Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, and Amazon.
Countdown Timers
Boost opt-ins and sales using the scarcity persuasion trigger. With Convertful you can also create Evergreen deadlines when every single visitor gets a personal deadline based on the time he/she first sees the countdown timer.
Progress Bars
Dynamic Text Replacements
Personalize your widgets with the data you already know about your visitors. Greet them by names and show them you know their pain points, - to make your site experience much more personal and deep.
Video Embedding
You can embed YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia or Vooplayer videos, and auto-play them once a widget screen is shown.
Content Lockings
Lock a certain premium page content until a visitor subscribes to your newsletter.
Retargeting Pixels
Mark visitors who viewed a certain widget or did a specific action, to retarget them via Facebook, Google or any other ads platform.

Seamless Integrations

Integrates With What You Already Use

Works on All CMS and eCommerce Platforms
WordPress Logo
Shopify Logo
Weebly Logo
Magento Logo
BigCommerce Logo

The Most Powerful Integration
With All the Major CRM’s

Convertful provides the largest number of available automations and targeting conditions on the market
Active Campaign Logo

Target widgets by ActiveCampaign Tags, Lists, Deals, Custom Fields Value
Add/Remove Tags to/from a contacts, add/remove contacts to/from Lists, add contacts via Forms, make a Deals with a contacts, set current Deal stage, add/remove contacts to/from Automations, add Notes to a contacts, update Custom Fields

AWeber Logo

Target widgets by AWeber Tags, Lists, Custom Fields Value
Add/Remove Tags to/from a subscribers, add/remove subscribers to/from a Lists, update Custom Fields

ConvertKit Logo

Target widgets by ConvertKit Tags, Custom Fields Value
Add/Remove Tags to/from a subscribers, add subscribers to a Forms, Sequences, update Custom Fields

Drift Logo

Target widgets by Drift Tags, Custom Fields Value
Add/Remove Tags to/from a contacts, update Custom Fields

Drip Logo

Target widgets by Drip Tags, Lists, Deals, Custom Fields Value
Add/Remove Tags to/from a subscribers, subscribe/unsubscribe to/from a Campaigns, add/remove to/from Workflows, record an Events, update Custom Fields

GetResponse Logo

Target widgets by GetResponse Tags, Custom Fields Value
Add/Remove contacts to/from a Campaigns, add/remove Tags to/from a contacts, update Custom Fields

Gist Logo

Target widgets by Gist Tags, Groups, Lists, Custom Fields Value
Add/Remove Tags to/from a users, update Custom Fields

Hubspot Logo

Target widgets by HubSpot Tags, Lists, Custom Fields Value
Add/Remove contacts to/from a Lists, add/remove contacts to/from a Workflows, set contacts Lifecycle Stages, set Lead status, add Notes to contacts, update Custom Fields

InfusionSoft Logo

Target widgets by Infusionsoft Tags, Groups, Lists, Custom Fields Value
Add/Remove Tags to/from a contacts, add/remove contacts to/from Campaign Sequence, create an Opportunity for the contacts, change the contact’s Opportunity Stage, set Lead Source, add a Notes to contacts, update Custom Fields

Klaviyo Logo

Target widgets by Klaviyo Tags, Lists, Deals, Custom Fields Value
Add/Remove subscribers to/from a Lists, update Custom Fields

Mailchimp Logo

Target widgets by MailChimp Tags, Groups, Lists, Custom Fields Value
Add/Remove subscribers to/from a Groups, add to a specific Lists, add/remove Tags, add Notes, update Custom Fields

Platformly Logo

Target widgets by Platformly Tags, Segments, Custom Fields Value
Add/Remove add subscribers to a specific Projects, add remove Segments, add/remove Tags, add Notes, update Custom Fields

Native Integrations With Other Favourite Tools

ActiveTrail Logo
Alore Logo
Campaign Monitor Logo
CompanyHub Logo
Constant Contact Logo
Freshmail Logo
JetWebinar Logo
Mad Mimi Logo
Mailer Lite Logo
Mailup Logo
Remarkety Logo
Sendinblue Logo
Sendlane Logo
SendPulse Logo
Sendy Logo


Zapier Integrations

Actionable Insights

Get the Numbers You Need to Boost Your Conversions
Real-Time Analytics
A/B Split Testing
Lead Notifications
Periodical Reports


The Next Level of Your Data Security
100% GDPR Compliant
Leads Recovery
Live Editor Backups
Adjustable Personal Data Storage
99.9% Uptime
Advanced Data Security

Agency Tools

Earn $$$ by Generating Leads for Your Customers
Unlimited Sub-Accounts
Organized Widgets List
White Label Dashboard
Create your own branded widgets dashboard on your own custom sub-domain, and invite your customers to this special place.

Set the limits to each of the sites, so you could re-sell this new on-site conversion service.
White Label Widgets
Add a custom 'Powered by' link to all of the widgets.
White Label Email Notifications
Make all the notifications custom-branded: with your logo and email address.
White Label WordPress Plugin


Live Chat

Knowledge Base

Video Manuals

Support Portal

Premium Convertful Members Group

Launch Your First Widget FREE
& Start Getting More Leads & Sales TODAY