FreshMail Integration
FreshMail is a platform to create and send effective email marketing campaigns.
Convertful provides FreshMail integration, that allows growing email list naturally, without annoying visitors!
FreshMail is a platform to create and send effective email marketing campaigns.
Convertful provides FreshMail integration, that allows growing email list naturally, without annoying visitors!
Choose from the vast amount of modern-looking designs and customize them the way you want
We automatically organize all the data in the FreshMail way, so you can use it to filter subscribers and to personalize email campaigns.
Make right offers to the right people at the right time.
15+ targeting options allow making forms more personalized, organic and efficient.
Statistics has it that subscription forms plugins lose up to 7% of subscribers because of integration errors. Our intelligent Leads Recovery System gracefully handles such issues, so every subscriber is saved and added properly.
Got multiple ideas for your Freshmail signup forms?
Test them all to find out what works better!
Customize every detail of your Freshmail signup forms to create any custom layout you want that fits your website style perfectly.
70% of visitors that leave your site will never return.
Therefore it’s especially important to engage them properly just before they leave so that you could convert an additional 2% of visitors to subscribers.
Lightbox with overlay, great with exit intent or inactivity triggers
Side block that naturally fits empty space below the sidebar
Neat bar that can be added at the top or bottom of a page
Fixed or scrollable fullscreen mat
Wide embeddable inline widget
Narrow embeddable inline widget that fits into content or other website blocks
Every form template comes with display rules that make its appearance most natural for visitors.
Also once a visitor subscribes via any of the forms, you can stop displaying them at all!