Agency Plans Tailored to Your Needs

All plans include Unlimited Widgets, Leads & Form Fields

Agency Bronze
  • 500,000 Pageviews
  • 25 Sites
  • Unlimited Sub-Accounts
  • White Label
  • AI Features
  • Webhooks Included
Agency Gold
  • 2,000,000 Pageviews
  • 75 Sites
  • Unlimited Sub-Accounts
  • White Label
  • AI Features
  • Webhooks Included
Need More?
Custom Plan
  • A custom-made plan for power users who need more...
  • White Label
  • AI Features
  • Webhooks Included
Agency Bronze
$97/mo $1,164 / year (save $984)
  • 500,000 Pageviews
  • 25 Sites
  • Unlimited Sub-Accounts
  • White Label
  • AI Features
  • Webhooks Included
Agency Gold
$247/mo $2964 / year (save $3024)
  • 2,000,000 Pageviews
  • 75 Sites
  • Unlimited Sub-Accounts
  • White Label
  • AI Features
  • Webhooks Included
Need More?
Custom Plan
  • A custom-made plan for power users who need more...
  • White Label
  • AI Features
  • Webhooks Included

  Depending on your country, VAT or other local tax may be added to the price

 14 Day Money-Back Guarantee  Cancel any time  Upgrade Anytime

What’s inside

2-Way Deep Integrations
Show (or don't show) widgets based on which tags or custom fields a visitor has in your CRM or Email Service.

Supported for ActiveCampaign, Infusionsoft, Drift, Gist (ConvertFox), MailChimp, HubSpot, ConvertKit, Drip, Klaviyo, AWeber, and GetResponse. Check the docs for the full list of supported display rules.
5 Widget Types
Pop-ups, Floating Bars, Inline Widgets, Scroll Boxes, and Welcome Mats.
27 Native + 1000 Zapier Integrations
ActiveCampaign, ActiveTrail, Alore, AWeber, Campaign Monitor, Companyhub, Gist (ConvertFox), ConstantContact, ConvertKit,, Drift, Drip, FreshMail, GetResponse, HubSpot, Infusionsoft, JetWebinar, Klaviyo, Mad Mimi, MailChimp, Mailer Lite, MailUp, Remarkety, Sendinblue, SendPulse, Sendlane, Sendy
71 Free Starting Templates
Every template is just a starting point - you can change almost anything!
Advanced Targeting Rules
Targeting by Page URL, Landing Page URL, Visit Number, Time on Site, Current Date, Number of Viewed Pages, Time From the Last Visit, WordPress Tag/Category and much more!
A/B Split Testing
Content Locking
Lock a certain premium page content until a visitor subscribes to your newsletter.
Countdown Timers
Boost opt-ins and sales using the scarcity persuasion trigger. With Convertful you can also create Evergreen deadlines when every single visitor gets a personal deadline based on the time he/she first sees the countdown timer.
Custom HTML
Dynamic Text Replacements
Personalize your widgets with the data you already know about your visitors. Greet them by names and show them you know their pain points, - to make your site experience much more personal and deep.
Exit Intent + 9 Other Smart Display Rules
Show widgets based on a visitor's time on page, inactivity time, scroll amount, certain link or page element click.

Disable widgets (and don't annoy visitors) when other floating widgets are shown, when a widget was submitted/closed/shown not long ago, or when a visitor has already subscribed via any widget.
Flexible Drag-n-Drop Editor
Change texts, colors, images, styles and much more!
Floating Action Buttons
(Coming Soon) A floating call-to-action, that you can permanently place to the site corner, and that will open a widget when clicked.
Premium Chat Support
Priority HelpDesk Support
Show your offers only to visitors from specific countries, regions, and cities.

Do you have free shipping to certain countries? Tell visitors from these specific countries about it, without bothering the others.
Illustrated Manuals and Video-Guides
Live Analytics
Multi-Step Widgets
Apart from Surveys and Quizzes, create any sequences you can imagine! Offer 3-4 up-sells in a row? Easily!
Mobile-Friendly Widgets
Mobile version for every widget is prepared automatically. And you can fine-tune it via the widget editor.
Retargeting Pixels
Mark visitors who viewed a certain widget or did a specific action, to retarget them via Facebook, Google or any other ads platform.
Progress Bars
Unbranded Widgets
Hide the ``Powered by`` Convertful branding.
Social Optins
Replace or supplement a traditional form with the ``Subscribe via Facebook`` button. Once a visitor clicks such a button, we get his/her name and email and send this data straight to your email list. This approach eliminates excess friction and typos.

Also supports 1-click subscription from Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, and Amazon.
Share Buttons
You can place Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and VK share buttons.

Once a visitor clicks a share button, you can show coupon code or the link to a downloadable file.
Social Like/Follow Buttons
You can place Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest buttons.

Once a visitor clicks one of these buttons, you can show a coupon code or the link to a downloadable file.
You can embed YouTube, Vimeo, Wistia or Vooplayer videos, and auto-play them once a widget screen is shown.
Scratch Card Gamification
Show stylish scratch-to-win cards, so visitors could win discount coupons in exchange for their email addresses.
Simple Quizzes
Create a sequence of screens, that asks questions and provides different results based on the answers. Offer a personalized, most relevant solution or Case Study for your visitors to skyrocket the sales.
Spin-to-Win Gamification
Boost your conversion, offering to win a prize in exchange for the email address.

With Convertful you get the most customizable (and fully localizable) Spin-to-Win on the market.
Invite your team and customers to view the analytics and create/edit on-site promotions.
Survey Widgets
Learn more about your visitors by showing on-site surveys. Make personalized on-site/email offers based on the answers.
You can place a stylish quote of your customer or industry influencer as an additional proof signal.
Yes/No Screens
Break the standard ``show a form`` pattern and increase conversion rates by prepending the form with an introductory yes/no question.
White Label Dashboard
Create your own branded widgets dashboard on your own custom sub-domain, and invite your customers to this special place.

Set the limits to each of the sites, so you could re-sell this new on-site conversion service.
White Label Email Notifications
Make all the notifications custom-branded: with your logo and email address.

Agency Tools

Earn $$$ by Generating Leads for Your Customers
Unlimited Sub-Accounts
Organized Widgets List
White Label Dashboard
Create your own branded widgets dashboard on your own custom sub-domain, and invite your customers to this special place.

Set the limits to each of the sites, so you could re-sell this new on-site conversion service.
White Label Widgets
Add a custom 'Powered by' link to all of the widgets.
White Label Email Notifications
Make all the notifications custom-branded: with your logo and email address.
White Label WordPress Plugin

What Experts and Customers Say

Frequently Asked Questions

Convertful is a SaaS solution and works with any site platform where you can add a connection script.

You can copy and paste connection scripts manually or use Google Tag Manager to automate it. We also provide a WordPress plugin to simplify the connection to this platform.

Check the relevant illustrated guides on different connection methods here:

No coding skills are required.

All customization and setting are performed via the user interface and our drag and drop form builder, which is simple and easy-to-use.

With Convertful, you can create all optin form types, including Popups, Fullscreen takeovers (Welcome mats), Scrolling bars, Scrolling side boxes, and Inline forms (embedded inside the content).

We offer a free membership which you can easily sign up for above. The free account has access to the majority of the features we offer and is where you can test the software before you invest anything.

Yes, we provide direct integrations with 29 popular e-marketing platforms, including MailChimp, ActiveCampaign, HubSpot, Platformly, GetResponse, and many others – you can check the full list here:

Also we provide integration with Zapier, which offers further integration with more than 2000 apps. We have a ‘Feature Requests’ section for members and take every request seriously. You can also vote up requests once you are a member, and the higher voted ones normally get priority.

No, it won’t, and that’s one of the main advantages of using Convertful.

Convertful has been designed specifically to load super-fast, without using iframes. On top of that, Convertful uses both Cloud Delivery Network (CDN), build-in images optimization, and application side caching to provide even faster loading.

Yes, you can see relevant documentation on the Legal section of our website:

Pageviews are the number of views of the pages with the Convertful form/widget on it. A Pageview is counted only when the form/widget is actually triggered and the visitor sees it.

If there are multiple forms/widgets triggering on the same page – it is still counted as one pageview only.

In the case of inline forms (embedded inside the page content), it is only counted as a pageview when the visitor scrolled down to see the inline widget (inline widget is inside the viewport of the browser).

Pageviews limit, is the monthly limit that is available for your subscription plan. Pageview limits refresh every month on the 1st of each month.

Once you reach the limit, the forms that you have created will stop showing on your site until the pageviews limit is reset on the 1st of the next month. You can avoid this by selecting the “auto-increase” checkbox in your account’s billing section. If this is selected, once you reach your pageviews limit, your account will automatically switch to the next plan with a higher pageviews limit.

To help you handle this, we send a notification email once your pageviews count reaches the 95% of the total monthly limit.

During checkout you can use one of two payment methods: Credit Card and PayPal.

Both options are available. It is completely up to you to decide if you want to use monthly or yearly payment methods.

Note, that the yearly payments offer better return value as you are charged only for 9 months and get the other 3 months free.

You can switch plans or switch between monthly / yearly payments from your account’s billing section at any time.

We offer a 14-day money back guarantee for all purchases. No questions asked.

When a visitor provides his email address via a Convertful form that has been integrated with an e-marketing platform (like MailChimp, for example), the form will pull custom fields data you already know about this person from the integrated platform, letting you create personalized offers, address the visitor by name, etc.

Yes. Depending on the plan you choose, there are a certain number of sub-accounts available, allowing you to share access for a certain site and the forms you create for this site with your client.

Yes. With the Agency plan, you’ll be able to set up a custom branding, a customized copy of our application on your custom domain, and share access to it with your clients, specifying which sites they should be able to see/access.

You can learn more about the Agency features here:

Convertful will help you turn your visitors into leads and sales… Starting today!